Cancel my account!
Saturday, September 30, 2006
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AOL Sucks Ass and AOL Sucks Anything
Friday, September 29, 2006
This woman tells of her harrowing experience she had in trying to cancel AOL. I know it's not kind to laugh at anything of AOL misery but it's worth it to read the final line.
And for the not so faint of heart. Haven't you always wanted your very own website? Well now you can! Oh yes, dear has gone up for EBay auction bid. Get in while the gettings good. But be warned...AOL will try to get you for it and I don't mean "get" like in the playful sexy way either.
How is it that I ever missed this blog? Poor guy. He worked for AOL but I haven't decided if I like him yet. He'll have to prove he's over to the side of force before I can grant him non AOL-Lemming status. I want to see more blogs from AOL employees. AOL does byte. Rage on dookie. Rage on. will show us how to REALLY cancel AOL this time. How is that? All these websites and ours too needing to make aware to AOL subscribers how to cancel AOL. Does that not seem... retarded?
Must have been all the class action lawsuits.
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July 13 2006
This site and blog are not necessarily against AOL. It's a critique of some of the methods AOL uses or some may say abuses toward it's customers and/or the internet at large.
Visiting Dear AOL, for example, will reveal a petition that some are signing in order to stop AOL from sending allowed spam to your AOL email-box.
Are you being threatened with trademark infringement? Have you been ordered to transfer your domain name over? Here are some resources:
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Chilling Effects Clearinghouse
About This Blog
This blog was formed after AOL™ or America Online ™ - an online service provider - sent a threatening notice to the Registrar of the domain name telling them to transfer it to AOL. The notice made assertions of copyright infringement of the name and even went so far as to assert their ownership of the once non-AOL controlled name ICQ™. At first blush, this may seem not so unreasonable. However. The former owner of, acquired circa 1998 for the purpose of helping AOL members use ICQ while on AOL, is the same owner of, which was acquired in 2002 when an accidental missing of the deadline left it open for AOL to register it.
Therefore, does this latest AOL threat sound like Reverse Domain Name Hijacking?